The ADA News (8/31, Manchir) reports that “more than 150 students and 25 faculty members at University of Southern California’s Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry” provided dental care to 500 Special Olympics athletes in July and August. The students and faculty members provided extractions, restorations, root canals, and partial dentures to the athletes, marking “the first time athletes were able to access significant dental treatment as part of the Special Olympics Healthy Athletes program, according to the school.” Dr. Santosh Sundaresan, chair for community oral health programs at the school, said, “It was an eye opener to see the immense dental need in these athletes and the significant lack of access to dental care for them, even for athletes from USA and other developed countries.” Dr. Santosh Sundaresan added, “It is my hope that this triggers a change in the mindset and the way we treat these amazing Special Athletes.”
ADA Morning Huddle
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